A Roster Management to fulfill all your needs to manage Mass number of workers

Prottay incorporates mass level of worker’s roster preferences with easy shifting facility. Manage easily all your shifts, workers, add mass number of workers to shifts, change shifts and gather all transactional data in one click using Prottay.

A Roster Management to fulfill all your needs to manage Mass number of workers

Prottay incorporates mass level of worker’s roster preferences with easy shifting facility. Manage easily all your shifts, workers, add mass number of workers to shifts, change shifts and gather all transactional data in one click using Prottay.

Enjoy Easy shift Adding, Managing Facility

With a flexible UI add shifts, Manage employees from a web interface.

Add Rosters to Employees in Bulk Order

Ability to upload employees in Bulk order in rosters.

Edit Roster Preferences from a Single Interface

Sometimes you may  need to change shift rosters or specific employee roster preferences, accomplish this task using this feature.
